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How can I get rid of my cat's fleas naturally

00:00 Mon 26th Nov 2001 |

asks Pathfinder:
Fleas are a real pest. A single female flea can lay as many as 50 eggs a day. Fleas reproduce quickly, and those 50 can soon multiply to more fleas than you want to think about, so fast action is essential.

Q. What should I do
Although fleas live on your cat's blood, they will lay their eggs in cosy dark places, such as the your cat's favourite sleeping places, or in your carpet. Vacuum carpets, rugs and sofas every other day and chuck the vacuum bag out immediately afterwards.

Sprinkle a natural flea powder over your carpet and your cat's favourite places.

Strongly scented herbs act as a natural deterrent to fleas, so you could try leaving bunches of lavender, mint or sage in these places.

Q. What about flea collars
Look for natural flea collars which don't contain powerful chemicals. They are usually impregnated with essential oils.

Q. Will brushing my cat help
Use a fine-toothed comb to get the fleas off your cat's coat - do this outdoors. Pay most attention to those places where most fleas are found - behind the ears, around the neck and tail area. Dip the comb in hot soapy water to kill the fleas.

It's a good idea to bathe your cat with a suitable pet shampoo, or water which has a little eucalyptus or pennyroyal essential oil added. Cats aren't very fond of water so don't try to immerse her in it or you'll be covered in scratches - brush it through instead, and do it quickly!

After bathing, comb a natural flea repellent through your cat's fur.

Q. How can I prevent it happening again
Keep your cat healthy and she will have a strong immune system so fleas are less likely to be a problem. Buy quality cat foods and give your cat some fresh fish and meat, too. Garlic and brewer's yeast are effective flea repellents and you could add some chopped garlic or brewer's yeast to your cat's food.

Q. What about ultrasonic gadgets
At the moment, there's no evidence to suggest that ultrasonic devices work to control fleas.

Do you have any tips for getting rid of fleas naturally Post them here

By Sheena Miller

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