How can I get rid of recurring thrush naturally? The usual creams and pessaries don't stop it coming back. in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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How can I get rid of recurring thrush naturally The usual creams and pessaries don't stop it coming back.

00:00 Mon 10th Dec 2001 |

asks MissDon:
Thrush is an extremely irritating condition which is caused by a yeast organism - Candida albicans.

Q. Isn't it normal to have some yeast in the body
Yes, but too much and you've got a problem - vaginal itching, often with a white discharge.

Q. What makes the yeast increase
Candida is usually found in the digestive tract, where it thrives on sugar, refined carbohydrates (white bread, rice and pasta) and alcohol. Other things which encourage its growth are foods which contain yeast or have been fermented, such as yeast extract spreads, stock cubes, bread, cheese, soy sauce, vinegar, peanuts and mushrooms.

Q. Why don't the creams and pessaries stop it recurring
Because it grows in the digestive tract. The treatments you're talking about only deal with the vaginal symptoms. Even the one-dose tablet won't always sort out the problem in the long term.

Q. Why do I get it when I'm run-down
It can get a grip when your resistance is lowered for any reason. It is also triggered by pregnancy or taking antibiotics - these get rid of the friendly bacteria which normally keep it at bay.

Q. How can I treat an attack naturally
Tea Tree (Maleluca Alternafolia) Essential Oil has powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal qualities. One study showed that one teaspoon added to a pint of water is an effective treatment.

Q. How I prevent getting another attack
A. Your first step is to look after your gut:

  • Cut all of the foods listed above for a couple of months. Eat a diet based on meat, fish, brown rice, fresh vegetables, pulses and beans. Drink water and herbal tea rather than tea, coffee or fruit juices.
  • Eat live yoghurt (containing Lactobacillus acidophilus) daily. It has been shown to reduce the amount of thrush infections.
  • To keep a healthy balance of organisms in your body, take a high-quality supplement containing bacteria (such as Lactobacillus acidophilus) for two months.

NB It's important to see your GP for a diagnosis. There are other causes for similar symptoms, some of which can cause lasting damage. A simple test will confirm that you have thrush.

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By Sheena Miller

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