You have to work out whether this visit is part of the selling process or the start of the work. If you haven't agreed terms yet (a rate) then it sounds like part of the sale to me. I also run my own consultancy business (nothing to do with my pseudonym) and I wouldn't do this distance (I guess 350 miles) unless I knew I was 90% sure of the sale, and generally that means having had a phone conversation which has spoken about daily or hourly rates and rates for any expenses. You have to speculate to accumulate but there are limits. Assuming this is likley to be lucrative enough for you, personally I wouldn't try and charge for the meeting, but at the meeting, if I was being quizzed about my intellectual capital, I would gently suggest that the clock ought to start ticking. Expenses for the that first visit I reckon are on you - its tax deductible of course.