Hi Lozzy
It depends what market you're aiming at. Personally I'd avoid using clipart style designs as this always looks fairly cheap. Perhaps full colour is the way to go and if you could get some professional quality pics of nice gardens this would better convey (more than words) what you are offering. I would always go for a nice gloss stock rather than cheap matt paper.
Have a couple of quality photos on there and some short bullet points describing the main services you're offering. I would get a memorable business name and logo prominently displayed, plus a short sub heading, i.e. "gardening services". Remember people might just glance at this so writing an essay is a no-no, their attention span may just last to read your company name and what you do. Perhaps also put on a web address or email, as well as a phone number. Many people like to do a bit more homework on a company they wish to hire and might not want to phone first.
Perhaps also try getting a couple of flyers pinned in your local shop windows, or give a batch to put on the counter at your local library, kids play centre, anywhere like that. Then people who may be interested would pick one up for themselves.
By the way I'm a graphic designer, if you need any help or anything designing just let me know (no charge for a fellow ABer!).