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How would you explain wal-mart's choice of countries?

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zt2520 | 23:01 Sat 20th Nov 2010 | Business
10 Answers
How would you explain wal-mart's choice of countries during the early stages of its international expansion in the 1990s?


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That's 2 questions now. Must be coursework.
Have you read up on the Walmart history- there must be lots on the web
is this your school essay? we dont want walmart here in brittain we don't need any more misfits.
Beginning to sound suspiciously like Wal-Mart spam now - is it morning time in the States?
I though we already had Walmart (Asda Walmart).
there are walmart stores in the UK, once they got their heads around weighing stuff in pecks and bushels they were in, write that down.
Ah, but how do you explain that choice, factor?
Have to agree with Maggie. We already have Netto, Lidl and Aldi to cater for the lower orders, don't think that Wallmart has anything to offer which Harrods and Selfridges don't already provide.
We're digressing, that's not what the OP asked, it's how did they pick where they went? I don't know where they went (nor do I really care, to be honest).
Oops! Are you on a retainer from the Ed to spot digressions? If no-one digressed this site would die a death instantly.
I think zt2520 should do their own homework - I had to (well, mostly).

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How would you explain wal-mart's choice of countries?

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