Re 5.1 5.2 and 5.3 Is it necessary to include income received from STOCK MARKET LINKED SAVINGS BOND and a FLEXIBLE INCOME BOND? or are they treated like PEPS and ISA's ??
Thanks to Tyrepill for your earlier answer, do you happen to know the contact postal address for the post office credit card? I can't see it all on their website. Thanks.
I have been looking at my credit report and noticed Vodafone have put 2 defaults on it due to none payment for the same account. Fair enough I did not pay but when they sent a debt collecters letter I...
Hi. I have just been looking at my credit report and have noticed Vodafone have given me 2 defaults within 2 months for the same account. I have wriiten to Vodafone asking them to provide me with a...
Hi, I joined QuestNet more than a year ago and had bought a golden wrist watch with Pope John Paul imprinted on it for around INR 30000. Could anybody please tell me how and where to sell it? I have...
Have you ever invested in anything that turned a short term profit ?. I have looked at Stamps,Gold,Antiques, Gem's and Coins, but what item really can give you a GOOD short term profit ?
Is anyone using power generated from a wind generator or solar panel ?. Is it cost effective & how long does it take to get back your capital investment ?. Any ideas of gaining goverment finanace ?....
What are the best energy saving light bulbs on the market in the UK today ? Do you think they work ?. Is it all hype, or can they really change the planet ?.
i had a credit card 8 yrs ago and am self employed i broke my leg so i couldn,t keep up with the repayments now after 8yrs a debt collector has sent me a letter telling me i owe them treble but have...
I have recently been chased for a debt I agreed a partially settlement on over 2 years ago. This shows on my experian report has satisfied and Experian advised me to send a copy of my report to the...
if I rolled over my 401K to variable annuity at the time I retired from my job while I was 55 yrs. old, could I withdrew from the annuity without penalty.
does anybody know of a bank that would issue a 17 year old a loan for a car? im in full time employment so would be able to pay it back but having real trouble finding somewhere that would give me the...
Last night was the euromillions draw and tonight is the national lottery and every week I hope to win big time - like all other players. There is only me (self + 2 cats) and my brother (married with...
i have a joined mortgage of ?170,000 with the abbey nationai,we have had a break down in are realtionship, is there anyway that my partner's parents can take over my side of the joint mortgage and...