I would do anything to go back to work but like you, this is impossible for me, so people just dont understand what its like to have an illness that basically wrecks your life and rules every move you make, dont let thtose people get to you, just ignore them, as for your husband, maybe he should start up a business as a plumber on his own, there are so many companies right now who want to train people to be plumbers that the jobs are out there...but other plumbers are not hiring, and its not because of lack of work, i know 8 plumbers who are so booked up they ignore their phones when they ring, they dont want to employ anyone else as they want the money for themselves incase anything happens to them or their families, unfortunately this is the way of the world at the moment, most people just think of themselves, tell your husband to advertise his services in the local newsagents window...it doesnt cost much, and if he keeps his rates down the work will start to come in slowly but surely...also he is entitled to a social fund loan until he gets his JSA...he needs to ring the local income support number as soon as they open in a morning and explain why he needs a loan and how much for...if they agree to give him the loan he will get it the same day, i know this because i know someone that works for the benefits agency. If he doesnt want to telephone, tell him to go to his local job centre and tell them he needs a social fund loan for emergencies and explain why and they will tell him what to do. Unfortunately what you say is very true, sometimes it is better if he stays on jsa, but if he can get off it i suggest that he does...make your appointment with the CAB and also get in touch with your local Law centre as Postdog suggested for extra advice, there are thousands of forums on the web full of people screwed over my the benefits agency, but some of them also have helpful advice it just takes a lot of trawling through.