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window company

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montybug1 | 22:47 Wed 10th Jan 2007 | Personal Finance
1 Answers
i had a loan for windows in 1997 with my partner. we split up in 2000. i thought the pay ments were getting paid. now 10 years on they have phoned me ( they have not been in touch before ) saying i owe �5000 i can not afford do i have to pay without any proof i thought it was getting paid tracey


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10 years is a long time for a company to come chasing, i would guess this has been sold on to a debt agency and they are misleading you to who they are.

I would ask for all the paperwork before continuing communication with these people - in theory they could be anyone.

Is there some way you can contact your ex? I understand that they can come to you for the full amount even if it is joint names so it would be in your interest to find your ex.

A debt never really goes away, it can be sold on and can still legally be chased.

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