travel cards instead of cash or travellers cheques in The AnswerBank: Travel
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travel cards instead of cash or travellers cheques

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lidlicker | 13:46 Thu 04th Nov 2010 | Travel
4 Answers
Has anyone used these cards? We are travelling to Hong Kong and New Zealand and a friend advised this card instead of cash or travellers cheques. Is there a charge to withdraw cash from an ATM abroad? I just wondered what the disadvantages are, i.e. if anything is left on the card
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Hi, my son has recently used one of these cards the one frm the post office. He said it was quite easy to use, just go to the ATM and get money out the same as you do with debit card or can be used in a lot of shops like credit card. The only thing he didn't like was when he got back and wanted to cash in what was left on card he didn't get good exchange rate and had to pay £5 for cashing it in.
If get the card with local money as the amount on the card, then you could use it when you get back to where you came from. You are going to pay fees for exchanging the currancy anyway, you just have to keep track of what you spend and what the exchange rate is where you are using the card. If there is anything left over you just use the card at your local ATM and use up the amount that is left over. There should be no fee to get the money out of the ATM that you bank with.
This site is really good and shows charges etc.

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Thank you all for your help... greatly appreciated.

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travel cards instead of cash or travellers cheques

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