I am currently intending to remortgage my property with a different lender and due to my wages being low (�12k) i am having difficulty in obtaining a mortgage. I would like to borrow more on my house as the present value has risen to around �75k. The price of the property was �41k. I would like to borrow the extra to pay off existing debt and carry out home improvements. For some months I have tried various lenders with no joy. I feel my only option is to now ask my brother if he would be willing to be a second applicant with me. However, I am concerned regarding how much of a problem it would be to take his name off my mortgage when he comes to buying his own property in a few years time. Can anybody help?
The actual mechanics of removing a name from a mortgage are quite simple. But whether or not your lender will agree to your brother going is not so simple. It would depend entirely upon whether at the time you could support the mortgage alone and your general circumstances then, or, if you were, say, in a relationship and wanted to substitute another person for your brother, the substance and trustworthiness of this new person.