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I think Lloyds must have something as a marketing tool. A while ago, I took some money out of a saving a/c to put it into a new ISA. It had to go via my Lloyds current a/c. I use the tiny branch where I live and a guy (who I presumed was the manager) who I had never set eyes on before came out of a back office and asked me what I was going to do with the money. He told me about their accounts. A couple of days later he phoned me to tell me the money had cleared. I told him I had plans for the money with another bank. I didn`t think anything of it until my Mum went into her branch of Lloyds for the same reason (over a large sum of money). As soon as she paid her cheque in, a woman came out of an office and asked her what she intended for her funds. My Mum is 82 and the next thing she knew, she was being whisked away to an office to "sign some papers". Basically, they were trying to get her to sign up to one of their savings accounts. We had plans for the money (in a much better a/c than Lloyds could offer). I felt they were trying to take advantage of someone who they thought was an `old lady` and were behaving very unethically. Luckily my Mum scarpered when they mentioned paperwork and signatures.