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Tax Codes

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matron 22 | 19:49 Sun 28th Apr 2013 | Business & Finance
8 Answers
My usual tax code is 944L.
Just got P60 and tax code is 810L
Can anyone explain the change please


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You are paying less tax now I think.
Well, something's changed and your tax office can tell you what it is.
And...the lower the number, the MORE tax you pay!
No its more, 944L is the new basic Tax Code for 2013/2014. P60 shows last years Tax Code not this years ?
Doh really I thought the lower the number the less you paid - oh well.
When it changes, there is sometimes a note in the notice of coding telling you why. If you don't understand it, then phone and ask. My code went down for this year and they said it was because I was receiving a benefit, which I wasn't!!
P60 shows last years code. The allowance went up this year to 9440 so you get more money tax free now. Most PAYE workers without any complicated circumstances have changed from 810L to 944L this year.
You will be paying more tax
is last years code

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