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kat24466 | 18:23 Wed 27th Jul 2005 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
I worke part-time earning �12,800 per annun, have 3 dependants is there anyone who would even consider giving me a morgage?


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I got a mortgage whilst earning �12500 - from the Halifax.  If I remember rightly they offered to lend me upto �56K based on that salary.
Anybody can get a mortgage if they have a regular income. The problem comes in finding a property worth the amount you could raise.

Normal lending is 3.5X income so in your case thats �44,800 not much these days, doubt it would even get you a one bed flat in most of the UK.

Try to put your name down for a shared ownership property or else perhaps look at the prices of  ex-council houses which need a lot doing to them.

In the meantime save up a good deposit, but be aware that unless you can get full-time work, things will be really tight.

Try Barclays or the Halifax for a mortgage - and best wishes.

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