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fairy! | 20:38 Sat 01st Oct 2005 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
How long should I keep my payslips & P45s for?


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The only P45 you should ever need is the most recent one (and you should normally give this to your new employer anyway).

With computerised accounting (both by your employers and by the tax man) it's probably not really necessary to keep your old pay slips but the general rule for the tax office is that (unless there's evidence of fraud) they don't re-examine any figures more than 6 years old.


Never throw away your payslips, when you are 80 they will be really interesting to see how money has changed and are the sort of things which not many people keep.

I think you meant P60.

Unless you're self employed, do what I do and keep them for two years.

I should keep all your annual P60's (the form you get from your employer once a year telling you how much tax & N.I. you've paid).  The reason is that Government records are not as efficient as they would like you to believe and many people have had disputes about how many years' NI contributions they've made which determines what your State Pension will be.  Get yourself a folder to store them in and keep them until you retire just in case of dispute.  In any case, your payslip and P60 is a useful document for proving your identity if you want to open a new bank or building society account (because of tightened money laundering regulations).

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