Thanks is the other way round, that is can someone who is PAYING rent as a tenant set their rent against personal tax.
This person not running a business from his rental premises e.g a pensioner.
chrissakes sqad it has nt changed since you were resident
the relevant revenue law is as follows
the deductions for personal tax shall fall into (these) categories and no other
and no guesses - rent aint amongest the categories
obvious points - if you were still in Harley St - then your rent is a countable expense against your private income before tax
and also for the self employed ....erm for commervial premises
Flonska's URL is excellent - BUT the rent is income and it discusses things (expenses) you can set off against the rent or income in order to have a less tax bill
you want to know if rent can ever be an allowable expense for a pensioner with no other income to set it off against