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Gift Aid

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mayennaise | 17:08 Mon 11th Sep 2017 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
Probably a really stupid question but.......... as both Mr M and myself are under the personal tax threshold are we able to claim 'Gift Aid' when applicable??


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The answer is No you can't claim gift aid if you don't pay tax . The extra cash comes out of the tax you have paid, so if you don't pay tax there is no tax to reclaim.
A timely reminder for those of us who registered for gift aid in the past but whose circumstances have since changed.
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Thanks all - exactly as I thought - glad to get it confirmed.
I understand that you also have to be careful if any part of your income is derived from investments abroad and tax is paid on them abroad with HMIT allowing that tax paid abroad against tax due in the UK. because HMIT don't receive the money, that tax is not allowable against gift aid.

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