Putting aside the building's 'listed' status for the moment, the current planning permission is almost certainly 'A2':
https://www.planningportal.co.uk/infeeed o/200130/common_projects/9/change_of_use
If your proposed use of the building is as a "retail warehouse" then you'll need 'A1' approval. However it will primarily be used as a storage facility you might need 'B8'.
A change of use from 'A2' to 'A1' doesn't require planning permission. However changing 'A2' to 'B8' does:
Coming back to the 'listed' status, you'd need Listed Building Consent (which is entirely separate to Planning Permission) for the "alteration or extension of a listed building in any manner (including internal) which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest":
As MM suggests, you should seek advice from the local authority.