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Where's The Security?

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Coppit | 15:15 Thu 30th Aug 2018 | Business & Finance
2 Answers
I donated a small sum via Just Giving, guessed the code on the reverse of my Cr card and got it wrong. They took the money anyway.

For years, when my Visa card has to be verified I'm told the P/W is wrong and I need to choose another one. The transaction then goes through. Next time, using that new P/W I'm told it's wrong and have to choose another ... 'P/W wrong'. I change it, the deal goes through.


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Have a word with your card issuer.
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No response from JG so I spoke to my bank. They told me that three further attempts were made to access the gift - the last at 10 pm - so it had nothing to do with any action by me- and that was successful. The bank are replacing my Cr Card but I can't see that it could make any difference to a similar scenario in future. Anyone who has my card number but not the code could pay money out of my account. I hope that they have remonstrated with JG. I am going to try to get a response from JG.

In the case of the Visa Verified matter they have reset my details without any fuss - seemingly indicating they know all about this problem.

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Where's The Security?

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