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Jamie Oliver

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teacake44 | 09:27 Thu 23rd May 2019 | Business & Finance
14 Answers
Jamie a nice bloke, and a great cook, but really common sense dictates that you can't possibly keep a tight control over that many outlets / businesses, and go globe trotting. Did he bite off more than he can chew, or just greed for more money.


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nice bloke and great cook? so you know him personally then?
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Woof, don't be a silly person, if you have nothing to say just go away.
Overstretched himself business wise.
His screen persona suggests he's not such a bad bloke, and his success as a celebrity chef suggests he's ok with a pot & pan.

I think the restaurant chain was simply an investment with his name/face used to pull punters in. Now't much to do with him getting overly involved. One doesn't need to be greedy to invest one's money.
sorry, that's not how AB works
Plus of course, once one has loads of dosh, the attraction is being successful at what one tries for, rather than raking more in (although the two can go hand in hand).
I think he should have stuck to the cook books. The restaurants were unique when they first came out, now they are over priced and the quality is seen in similar restaurants for cheaper. You only have to go once to get the experience and it's not one you'd pay the same price for again. You go to a professional chefs restaurant, you want to feel special, not like you're at hobsons choice.
I think Jamie Oliver is pompous
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Quite simply, and from personal experience, his restaurant food was overpriced, mediocre and bland.

Everyone else I know who has eaten at his establishments feels the same way.
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Its just hard to understand why an already a wealthy man even before opening these outlets would risk such a venture, at such high volume. But some of your comments as regards to investments makes some sense I would think.
I never liked him but that's irrelevant. The food industry is a very competitive market and businesses fail if they aren't competitive. His restaurant chain wasn't.
It’s sad that Fifteen has been caught up in the crossfire. It gave opportunities to a lot of kids.

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