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US Dollars

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Binky | 22:28 Fri 18th Nov 2005 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
Does anyone know who is giving the best rate for US Dollars, also with no commission, and will buy back without a charge? I am travelling to New York on Wednesday and need to buy some. I was going to go to the Post Office, but someone has told me their rate is low. I can travel into London if necessary. Thanks.


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No one will buy back without a charge, though often that charge is just the difference between the buying and selling rates. Most places seem to be 'commission free' these days.

The Post Office are not too bad - M&S if you have a large branch nearby are normally slightly better.

Best is at the airport (Travelex?) but only if you order online in advance. If you just turn up their rates are not that good. Don't know about repurchase though.

You might find it cheaper to purchase in one place and sell in a different one.

Nationwide debit card once you are there is better still.

the post office isn't too bad I got some there a few weeks ago for holy land trip, They say to you will take back but I've never returned any, its best just to take a few for journey and can use card in ATM like here to get money and always a good rate and plenty of banks around grand central station, have a great time
I've used a couple of times for US$ cash and traveller cheques and was very impressed with the service. They also do buy-backs

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