Contact And Trace in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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Contact And Trace

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OldChestNuts | 08:43 Thu 02nd Jul 2020 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
Can anyone confirm if the business owner required to take the contact details of the customer for cafe and restaurant businesses?
A few weeks ago, the government guidelines states that the contact details must be taken and further details will be provided. However, the latest guidelines seems to have removed the statement about contact details, i.e. no mentioning of this anymore. I know some pubs and restaurants are able to take the details via booking, but not cafe..
I maybe missing something and maybe someone can shed some light..
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Look like the government don't really know what they are doing. I just phoned the local council and they have got a clue. The advice is don't open your business as you will be prosecuted for non compliance to either the Covid-19 rules or data protection act.
"The opening up of the economy following the COVID-19 outbreak is being supported by NHS Test and Trace. You should assist this service by keeping a temporary record of your customers and visitors for 21 days, in a way that is manageable for your business, and assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed. This could help contain clusters or outbreaks. Many businesses that take bookings already have systems for recording their customers and visitors – including restaurants, hotels, and hair salons. If you do not already do this, you should do so to help fight the virus. We will work with industry and relevant bodies to design this system in line with data protection legislation, and set out details shortly."


The important word is "should", it doesn't say "must".
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Ok thanks to all the replies.

I agree that it is not a requirement as it uses the word "should". I will avoid it implementing this. Because once I do it, I have to manage the data and to pay an annual fee for Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

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