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Ebay scams

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Celtigra3 | 08:14 Fri 02nd Dec 2005 | Business & Finance
8 Answers
Am I alone in thinking that Ebay is doing very little to prevent all the Nigerian scams that are appearing. I am selling two higher priced electronic items and am being bombarded with emails which are obviously fraud. Trying to report them to ebay is a nightmare as their "help" button just sends you round in circles! Surely to protect their reputation they should be more stringent about allowing people to set up accounts. What do others think?


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I have always got a personal reply from Ebay but you have to go through their automated boxes first then you get the option to contact them. Reply with 48 hours.

If the above URL does not work try logging in to ebay with your user ID and Password. Then it should.
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Thanks Polar Bear. I have had an answer, but my point was they make you jump through hoops before finding the right link!
I was watching Watchdog on T.V this week and they want to hear from anybody who has had trouble with ebay.
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Well they got my email address from ebay as ebay forwarded it! And yes, I do keep ebay informed. My point is Ebay should be doing more in the first place not to allow these people to set up accounts.
Exactly. It should be like paypal where you have to give verifiable bank details to get an account. Come on Ebay , you make plenty from us....get your security act together!
eBay is one of the largest corporations in the western hemisphere. I believe they know that they are running scam auctions for people and do as little as is legally required for them to do to stop this happening.
If you call directory enquiries and ask for eBay's telephone number you will be told that they don't have one; a pretty strange thing for one of the largest corporations around!
My advice. Don't ever have anything to do with eBay.
If you've already tasted the fruit that should by all measures of decency be forbidden by law and you've been poisoned by it then why not call eBay to tell them what you think using the phone number they don't have (020) 8605 3000 or the fax number that doesn't exist (020) 8605 3001 ?

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