Further to my earlier post. It’s the end of the month, and my wife has had a total of 3 pension payments this month. She is supposed to have one weekly. I’ve emailed and got no reply off DWP. Not even an acknowledgement to the email.Phoned the number for Wolverhampton, and got nowhere. The answer machine goes through the usual. Do to covid etc.etc . Press 1 for this 2 for that. In the end the person says goodbye. End of call. Anyone know of a number I can speak to a real person. I’ve contemplated going to a Jobcentre. Or is it a waste of time as they’re a completely different department.
Sorry I haven’t responded, was called away.
THECORBYLOON Her last 4 digits are 44. I worked it out payment day is Wednesday.
December payments seem OK. It’s January seems short. 11/01, 18/01,25/01. 3 payments not 4 as expected. Last in Dec was 31/12.
Your payment date is a Monday. The payment on 31/12 was an early payment due on 04/01, a Bank Holiday. If you check you will find that 5 payments were made in November as that month contained 5 Mondays. The next payment should be on 01/02. All seems in order.
NI Numbers ending 40-59 have a Wednesday pay day so your saying it's 44 and Wednesday make sense.
Credits go into an account on or before the payday and weekly pensions are paid in advance meaning a Wednesday pay day covers benefit up to and including the following Tuesday.
That means:-
14/12 was for 16-22 Dec
21/12 was for 23-29/12
23/12 was for 30/12-5/1
31/12 was for 6-12/1
11/1 was for 13-19/1
18/1 was for 20-26/1
25/1 was for 27/1-2/2
so your wife has had her correct payments from 16th December.
That is most odd. All the paydays you list, i.e. when you actually get the money, are, except BHs, a Monday. I am paid every fourth Monday, except BHs when it is paid the last working day before. The money goes into the bank the day before but is not available to draw until the due date.
I did not know how they worked out the paydays. I've learnt something here. My NI number ends in 07 so I presume 00-19 is Monday, 20 - 39 is Tuesday, &c.
As an update the wife had her weeks pension go in our bank account today Monday 1st Feb. A Monday, not as I calculated by her NI number a Wednesday So that was 3 payments in Jan. the plot thickens.
I did read all your responses but as one who doesn’t spend ALL day on AB, I was committed to other things.
I even checked back 6 months. All payments have been paid on Mondays not Wednesdays as NI number suggests. Apart from August BH, and Christmas.