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abbeylee90 | 02:23 Sun 04th Feb 2024 | Business & Finance
474 Answers

I'm really struggling financially and don't get paid till next Friday. How do I get money?



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So it seems, Abbey , that you haven't been underpaid after all. Unfortunately there may be no big tax rebate to help boost your finances, so your focus now has to be on finding a full time job or a second part time job, and cutting back on spending including takeaways, nails, bottomless brunches and driving lessons for the forseeable future
20:54 Wed 07th Feb 2024

You're being scammed IMHO. Tell them to fork off.

and, being totally honest with yourself, no starry-eyed dreaming, do you really think you could handle a fork lift truck ?

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I'm doing my best just really need a job

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17.05 ..That was just an example ... there is a local course here at the place where learner HGV drivers go.

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I got told it was easier than driving a car.

Will see if I do get the job 

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Abbey, you are all over the place with your job/career searches. I don't know who is giving you advice...but it's rubbish so far. Career advisors wouldn't/shouldn't  be sending you on a forklift training course...that is just madness. And you've got to realise your own limitations. Otherwise you'll go on this totally inappropriate course...not do well...and feel more of a failure. Do jobs you are capable of!

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Pasta thanks will leave it at that for now and see how HB goes however I prefer warehouse anyway

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I've sold stuff on vinted

Good, that should give you some cash but don't go and blow it on food/drinks out or more tops.  Pay who you owe first then see if you have any left.

//// I got told it was easier than driving a car.////


Who told you that?  The person trying to get ££££s out of you for the course no doubt.

Please take more care as to who you listen to, avoid folk with a vested intrest.

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No someone I use to work withb

OK, Sorry.

Most of the forklift drivers I've met in my long life have not been the sharpest knives in the drawer. It's a responsible job but not beyond the capabilities of the average human.

Newmodarmy 16.30  I have deep doubts that Abbey got a A grade GCSE English.  It's a good while since I was an examiner, but, just 'no'.  She's got a bit muddled about it I think.

Abbey - I'm glad you've started to straighten things out.  Keep with it.  Just don't spend money you don't have.

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I'll save now for brunch on 17th

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Is it right to struggle on part time hours?

As an ex-teacher myself I agree with Jourdain, I don't believe for a second Abbey got a top grade in English GCSE but to be fair I don't think she has ever said she did. It was an assumption on the part of other posters.

18.30 Jourdain - I get baffled by Abbey's inability to communicate at a Grade A English level but, if you think about, it would be quite easy for an educated person to type in a rubbish way.  Is that what this is all about?

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