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Carer's Allowance

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JBW1366 | 17:07 Mon 11th Nov 2024 | Business & Finance
8 Answers

Good Evening

I am currently receiveing PIP, and I have been registered as disabled due to an ongoing back problem - which is limiting what I can and can't do.

Mt wife works 24 hours a week, but she looks after my needs as well. We were thinking of applying for Care'r allowance and she drops her hours to below the threshold (as on the eligibility tab on website).

My questions are a) does she have to do this reduction in hours before we make a claim, or can she do it after, claim has been submitted and approved? b) i receive standard rate for daily living, can we apply with me being on this component?

Thanks for any advice


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how many hours does she provide care for?

You need to be on the middle or higher rate of PIP

Can I ask about this disabled register? How do you register as disabled?

There is no national register of people with disabilities in England, but some local authorities may have voluntary registers. Local authorities use these registers to help plan future services. 

To register as disabled with a local authority's social care department, you must be substantially and permanently disabled. Local authorities may also choose to keep registers of adults with other disabilities or health conditions that they think may lead to care and support needs in the future. 

You may be considered disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. Some conditions that are always considered disabilities under the Equality Act include:


Multiple sclerosis

HIV, even if you don't have symptoms

Being registered as blind or sight impaired

Having a severe, long-term disfigurement 

Thanks douglas

BARRY, you're getting the qualifying benefits confused.

It's the daily living component of PIP


middle or highest rate of the DLA care component

JBW receives the PIP daily living component so his wife could be entitled as long as the earnings limit and number of hours caring conditions are satisfied.

Thank you, Corby

JBW, the current earnings limit is £151 per week after deduction of tax and National Insurance and in April 2025 that limit will be increasing to £196 per week.

Your wife's earnings mustn't be over that limit from the start of the claim (which can be made up to three month in advance) and it might be an idea for either you or your wife to contact the Carer's Allowance Unit on 0800 731 0297 for further advice.

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