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debt owed

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bibio001 | 22:24 Wed 10th May 2006 | Business & Finance
3 Answers

I was recently contatcted by a company claiming that i owe a company called lombard finance �3980 since 1995 and they want it paid. what do i do as it has been 11 years and i cannot remember ever getting a loan form them . please help.



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Lombard Finance provide the finance for sofa companies etc so you need to think back and try and remember what you bought 11 years ago!
Although I do not advocate a person shirking their responsibility to repay a debt where one legally exists, it sounds to me as if Lombard Finance are 5 years too late, or "statute barred", in legally trying to recover this debt (if it exists) as per the Limitation Act 1980, the key points of which are explained here.

This does not mean that the debt no longer exists, only that it is unenforceable. Non-payment of a debt may well be reflected in a credit reference file.
lombard also finance cars too. Ask for the agreement number and what was financed, or through what company was the finance obtained.

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