ok im 23 yrs old and i am about to go on to merternity pay 1st can you tell me how much this is i have been in work full time over 2 yrs but i have to get it from the goverment but no one can seem to tell me how much this is. also my partner is self imployed and i would like to no what money i can claim for after the baby has arrived as we will have a mortgage to pay and the cost of living is to much to cope with i hope you can give me some help as i dont like stress and stuggeling as i wish to enjoy motherhood instead to regreting it because of the cost? thank you
My wife currently gets around �130 a week from the goverment to help make up her pay from work so she is on about 75% of her normal wage. There are tax credits that you can apply for which your midwife should be telling you about or ask her if she has not said anything.
I think its about 90% of wage for the first 6 weeks or something. Then it goes down to Statuatory maternity pay.
Your employer pays this but gets a rebate from government. You dont have to claim directly.
Speak to your employer or your local tax office if you need info