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Mortgage and Job

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Gembo | 10:41 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Business & Finance
2 Answers
I am currently looking for my first house that im buying with my partner and we have a mortgage offer in principle. However I want to change my job. What happens with this? Can i change my job now and still go ahead with the move or will i have to wait for 3 months pay slips in the new job? if this is the case i would stay put in my current job until the purchase is made and then move on - could i move on straight away or would i have to wait a certain period?


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When I bought my first house I didn't have 3 months payslips as I had just changed jobs. My lenders (The Halifax) were happy with a copy of my contract which stated my salary.
Most lenders will walk away from an agreement in principle if you now have a new job and start a new probationary period. The agreement in principle is an indication that a lender will offer you money based on the information you have told them - this information has now changed. There are examples such as Cheeky's where a lender will use their discretion and allow the application to proceed. The Nationwide will ignore a probation period and will lend to people who have just started a job. Speak to amortgage adviser to get the best advice.

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