Was thinking about re-claiming charges, but found it difficult to remember whether or not they charged more than �15 per charge in the last 6 years?
I seem to remember that the last couple of times when I have been charged, it hasn't been more than �15... is it still worth me going through the bother?
First thing is to phone their customer services helpline and ask for a list of all your charges over the last 6 years. They are obliged under the FSA rules to give you this information. Any charges for bounced payments and overdraft charges can be reclaimed, however small. Ive heard that Barclays can be somewhat obstructive when it comes to claiming but persevere. Have you Googled Claim Bank Charges? There are several website which talk you through it with templates of letters.
Thanks for replying, but that wasn't what I asked.
I've already got all that stuff ready to send off.... I just couldn't remember how long it's actually been since their charges had dropped to �15 from �25 or �30.
If anyone can remember, I'd appreciate it, as I want to save myself the trouble of going through all that rigmarol for more than it was worth.
Jeanette, to be fair I think they did read your question properly. If you read their answers and contact the Bank they'll tell you how much you've been paying and then you'll be able to see when they changed their charges.