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Northern Rock

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JMR27 | 18:28 Mon 17th Sep 2007 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
it seems that almost everyone is selling their shares but who is buying them?


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No, what the people you see queuing are doing is cashing in is their savings. Northern Rock is a bank and has shareholders. The shares have fallen like a stone so not many are buying them compared to the sellers.
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hi buildersmate, yes I realise the people queueing are taking out their deposits (and I'd probably be doing the same thing if I had money with them). It's just that so many people are selling their shares but the buyers are paying less and less for them. I've got shares in NR and I read in the paper that private investors should "sit tight" - I can't remeber who said that - I hope it wasn't Adam Applegarth - he hardly instils confidence - every time he appears on TV he looks like a frightened rabbit caught in a car's headlights.
legend007 you're probably right.

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