if you can afford to pay it off sooner, you will end up paying less. It is not up to anyone else to tell you how to spend your money but you will seriously be paying for 15 years for 2 weeks, which might or might not be "the holiday of a lifetime"
what if you go and there are hurricanes meaning you have to stay indoors?, or someone in your party (or you) gets hoiday tummy fr two weeks? or slips over and breaks their leg and spends a week of that time in the hospital; how will it feel then in 14 years time when you are STILL paying for it and it turned out not to be what you expected?
if you need something to look forward to, surely as you know its the people that make it, not the place. Two weeks in a cottage in this country somewhere could cost you 1/10th of the price and could be saved up for rather than saddling yourself with this massive debt!
i know its none of my business at all so feel free to disregard my advice