I think I've just bought one piece of junk too many. 120 quid, it just doesn't work at all. Sent to me not by the seller (like he said he would) but from the last guy he just sold it to who rejected it! Badly packaged and not working at all! As for Paypal protection, etc.........this is hard work to work with, and I even lose 30 quid in paying his postage costs and mine to return it to him! Happens more often than not now. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Toy helicopter: lasted 2 minutes. Broke spontaneously. Pilot in critical condition
Toy RC car. (BNIB) Brand new in box? Had clearly been extensively used. Brand new in bin more like
Latest purchase: digital projector. At least the LED that flashes is a nice colour!
What a waste of time. Anyone else had this experience?
Reminds me of when I bought a waterproof mattress cover for my nephew. It was a giant rectangle shaped plastic bag but rustled even more than a plastic bag. Complete waste of money, I'm always careful what I buy there now. No electrical appliances, nothing which is much, much cheaper than the shops but you can't see the quality. I;ve found electronics to be reasonable though, mobile phone parts, chargers, cables and those sort of things.
Never had a really bad experience with ebay, aprt from buying clothes that don't fit and then I usually put them straight back on.
I bought a rc tank last xmas and it was and is superb, no problems.
You could just be unlucky.