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flashpig | 14:29 Fri 20th Aug 2004 | Business & Finance
11 Answers
I need about �300 and there is no way I can get this. What is the best way to get this money. I've ruled out robbery, so I'm thinking about pestering the bank to give me this money. Will they? Will they ask for double this money back?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Flashpig, you can't just pester a bank to give you money! perhaps you should try getting a job, so you can save some money!!
Flog everything you own on eBay...or apply for an interest free credit card and pay �300 into your account.
If you're doing any kind of regular paid work, the country is groaning under the weight of companies wanting to loan you and I loadsamoney. But Yes, of course, the snag is, they will certainly want their money back - with generous interest on top for every day that you were in debt to them. Make sure you stick to high-street name banks and finance companies, not loan sharks who will bleed you dry for years to come and then sue whatever's left. Unless the "need" you have is utterly essential, unavoidable and life-threatening, I.R's advice is correct - forget what you "need" until you have worked long enough and saved hard enough to pay for it out of your own money.
You could try and either get an overdraft, or try and extend a current one. They may give you a temporary one if not a permanent one.
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I have been trying to get a job. In its absence I have joined an agency, but work is really, really irregular. I have managed to save a fair bit but still am well short of the money I need. I was thinking about overdrafts because it has something offered on my online banking thing. Can you get temporary overdrafts? Do you pay a lot for them? It is a vital need, and it is within an impossible time to earn it.
Temporary overdrafts are usually free as long as you don't go over it and pay the money back within the specified period.
try cashconverters, they exchange electrical goods for cash, and do loans and pawning too
If you are not working I dont think any bank will be able to help you. If you are on benefits, you should be able to apply for an interest free loan from the DSS. Some one I know was in a similar situation to yourself and got a loan without any bother. Good luck
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Ebay etc are the best answer, or mystery shopping is a good extra cash makerbut Egg card will give you 9 months interest free, and you can 'put money' into an overdraft or bank account. It takes much longer to pay back than it does to spend!
If this is money you owe to a company and can't pay, you can offer to pay them whatever you can afford weekly or monthly and they must accept that offer.

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