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Business idea / concept

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pingu748 | 21:39 Sun 21st Dec 2008 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
Where do I stand if i want to independently produce a range of items for sale using a commercially available material, in a manner similar to many other franchises & companies, that are already doing the same thing worldwide ?

Is there likely to be a legal issue with copyright ?

The materials are available to anyone to buy off the web / high street, its just the end product that is already being sold that would be similar to what I would be selling.

(also posted in Law)



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Go for it. As long as you do not invade someone elses copyright your fine (design, logos etc)

If its a patent that is different, you might need a licence but it sounds like your just trying to replicate an existing service or supply rather than use someone elses registered knowledge.

Difficult to say without being given something a little more specific. Any analogies/other examples you could use?
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Ok, theoretical example .. Several companies already produce nameplates made from Perspex ( anyone can buy this ) and they then heat it and emboss an original and unique drawing in it that the client supplies, using just a heat source and a stamp that the manufacturer has made himself ... I know
I can do the same thing better, with more profit and with a faster turnaround ... No patents appear on my competitors product, literature or website ...

That's a fairly good idea of what I am looking to do .. But with a different end product & materials ...

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