All property is now held by Entry on the Land Register, and in no other way. If you are not sure how your Entry looks, pay �2 at this link
to see. A Caution is a note placed against your Entry which permanently prevents the property being registered in another name - it effectively blocks any sale and warns off a lender. In your case the Caution can only be lifted by you settling with the Receiver, or by a <b>successful</b> application to a Court. You are in great danger from the "nominal fee by wife" bit, it is a serious fraud and also very injurious to the Receiver. If placed before a Court the consequences will be very unpleasant indeed. You are therefore best advised to settle privately with the Receiver. Over 12 years interest will have doubled the original amount of the debt, so multiply by 2.25 to give yourself a budget to include the costs which will also be down to you.