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sorry I wasnt clear, i'll try again..... 1 post available, 2 people applied. the available post was basically my job description, but i was not the succesful candidate. i appealed against the decision, based on the fact that i thought i was unfairly scored. my problem is, that on reflection i think i would find it hard to go back to the team that did not choose me. i had hoped they would HAVE to find ALTERNATIVE employment for me because they had already offered the vacant post to my colleage, but this isnt the case. if my appeal is upheld but i have since learned that the successful colleague will be bumped out and i would have to go back to the team that didnt want me. i dont really have a question any more, cos i have learned what i needed to know (even though i didnt like the answer)...... ive just re-read that lot and i still think its a bit confusing!! never mind. thanks again for trying!