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house building costs

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syston96 | 17:37 Fri 19th Feb 2010 | Business & Finance
2 Answers
I`m looking to build a 2 storey 4 bed detached house on land that i own. What is the likely build cost if i sub contract most of the work out to average specification.


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i think anyone who is able to give rough costs is going to need a lot more info than that.
Next time you are in WH Smith, go and look at Housebuilder & Renovation Magazine. It contains a pretty comprehensive table in the back each month that gives you just this sort of information for various sizes of houses, various types (2-storey, bungalow) and in various parts of the country.
You might even decide to buy the magazine.

It will be in the range £1000 to £1400 per square metre of built structure floor area.

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house building costs

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