From the ONS 2009 ASHE - Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings...
Weekly pay - Gross - For full-time employee jobs: United Kingdom, 2009
Mean = £587.30 (~£30,540) ... Median = £488.70 (~£25,400)
Weekly pay - Gross - For all employee jobs: United Kingdom, 2009
Mean = £480.90 (~£25,000) ... Median = £397.30 (~£20,660)
or you can use
Annual pay - Gross - For full-time employee jobs: United Kingdom, 2009
Mean = £31,916 ... Median = £25,816
Annual pay - Gross - For all employee jobs: United Kingdom, 2009
Mean = £21,320 ... Median = £26,470
So we can take our pick of these myriad estimates.
Further to the original question, the LibDems published figures in late 2007 for real term comparison of pension payments against gross average full-time earnings, from which typical levels of earnings can be gleaned for the period 1950 onwards...