Can anybody work out the gross yearly interest on a savings account which you pay £250 per month up to a max of £3,000 for year with a gross interest of 8% thanks in advance
Okay tamborine- but the interest would accumulate slower than that as the balance would grow gradually by £250 a month and would take a year to reach £3000. In month 1 interest would be more or less 1/12th of 8% of £250 = £1.67. (Maybe you used 1/1th of 8% of full £3000)
For month 2 balance would be £250+ £1.67+£250= £501.67. Interest would be 1/12th of 8% of £501.67 = £3.34.
So interest actually accrues quite slowly.
I stand by £120 interest over the year give or take a pound.