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money transfer

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WILLWONKER | 15:48 Sat 03rd Apr 2010 | Business & Finance
6 Answers
For someone in France to pay money direct into my bank in England, what details do i need to give them, and do you know how long it takes. thank you.


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Your should quote your IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and the SWIFTBIC (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication - Bank Identifier Code). Most banks now include this information on customers' bank statements. (Barclays definitely do so).

This link is about sending money FROM the UK (rather than to it), but it...
16:04 Sat 03rd Apr 2010
On your statement there should be an IBAN number - starts with GB...... It will include your sort code and account number and some other data.

You need to give them that

As to how long, it depends how fast a service your payer is prepared to pay for. The standard service is I guess a few days.
Question Author
Ok thank you very much! but can this info be used in any sort of doggy way?
Your should quote your IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and the SWIFTBIC (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication - Bank Identifier Code). Most banks now include this information on customers' bank statements. (Barclays definitely do so).

This link is about sending money FROM the UK (rather than to it), but it indicates typical clearing times and the high charges which are normally involved with international transfers:

The person in France might well have to pay around €30 for each transaction. A much cheaper way to send money between countries is to use Paypal:
or Ikobo (which a service I can personally recommend):

Doggy? (Woof! woof!).
I assume that you mean 'dodgy' ;-)

An IBAN isjust your usual sort code and account number, preceded by additional information to make it meaningful in any country. So, by providing your IBAN, you're not giving away anything which isn't printed on any cheques you might write. It doesn't directly make the funds in your bank account available to anyone but such information could be used (along with your name and address) to fraudulently set up a direct debit to another account.

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Thanks chris, don't know where that doggy came from :)
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