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Investment during hyper inflation

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MrZippy123 | 12:22 Fri 08th Oct 2010 | Business & Finance
2 Answers

I am doing some research on the Weimar Republic and variuos sources suggest the situation with hyper inflation made it easier to invest in home grown industries, with the film industry mentioned in particular. I am confused by this as I would have thought the opposite - esp with wheel barrows of money required to buy a loaf of bread?

Help please.


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I suppose it would depend whether you could persuade some foreign backers to invest, who's currency was stronger (not difficult) than the German one.
I'm no economist, but I would have thought that made sense. It's a case of, "buy at today's prices, sell at tomorrow's prices." With inflation you are always going to lose out competing with a stronger economy with a more stable inflation rate.

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Investment during hyper inflation

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