Shares sale. in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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Shares sale.

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hallj1 | 15:17 Sat 05th Mar 2011 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
If I have say a share certificate for 100 shares ,how do I sell say 50 shares?.How do I get a certificate for the remaining 50 shares? Can someone please explain.Thanks.
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You contact a stockbroker or your bank, and ask them to sell them for you.
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Yes but do I hand over the cert. for 100 shares and do they give me a cert. for 50 shares?
After selling through a stockbroker or bank, if your shares are registered within the CREST system, these are now paperless and you would only need to complete a CREST Transfer form, which would be sent to you. The remaining shares would remain registered in your name.

Pre CREST, when shares were registered in the owners name and held in certificate form, the seller would complete a Share Transfer Form, which would be sent to the stockbroker/bank with the certificate, which they would get split by the company's registrars and subsequently return a new certificate for the remaining shares to you as the original holder.
You would be better going to an online share dealing site such as iwebsharedealing which I use. |They are much cheaper than stockbrokers and banks. Send them the certificate with a form and you will have an online account and can do what you want with no paper involved.

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