Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Home Insurance Firms Warn That Flood Cover Guarantee Dependent On Investment
A few years on from the Carlisle floods, the worst in the UK for over 100 years, home insurance companies are warning that the country is still vulnerable to rising waters.
Over two million homes in the UK are still at risk of flooding, and with the effects of climate change this number is expected to increase to 3.5 million.
Home insurance companies are warning that the risks could cause the cost of protection to rise out of the reach of many people and even leave some areas uninsurable.
The home insurance industry renewed an agreement with the government to provide cover to areas where flood protection is planned within the next five years, but have emphasised that the deal is dependent on government investment in at-risk areas.
The average cost of damage to each home in a significant flood is now £30,000.
While the government has committed around £570 million to flood and coastal defences, climate change studies have predicted that another £10 - £30 million is needed every year.
"The government has made real progress in addressing the issue of flood protection in England and Wales by including plans to raise investment in recent spending reviews, and acknowledging the role of the Environment Agency in the planning process,” said a home insurance spokesman.
"However, we can't afford to stop now. It is imperative that the insurance industry continues to raise these issues in the debate about the future of flood protection and continues to work closely with the government to ensure there is ongoing protection for homeowners and businesses."
Top tips to prevent your home flooding:
• Make sure your outdoor drainage takes water away from your home not towards it.
• Make sure the drain lines from your roof gutters take the water away from your home not put the water on the ground.
• Have your roof inspected once a year.
• If you are at risk from a higher property build a solid masonry wall to stop the water flowing onto your property.
If you would like to know more about home insurance why not ask AnswerBank Business and Finance.