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Birthday Gifts

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DC_FC | 16:21 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | Family Life
56 Answers
How can I decide what to suggest to someone what they can get me as a birthday present. Im struggling to think of any ideas.


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If there's nowt you particular want, why don't you ask for a donation to your favourite charity?
If you're over 12 you're too old for birthday presents,imo. And whether you are or not its a bit cheeky to be nominating your own presents, again imo.
Something consumable...aftershave, a bottle of something you enjoy drinking, sweeties, some food item you really enjoy it rarely buy because of price.
A subscription to a magazine you enjoy or a book you've seen and haven't got round to buying.
Failing anything else, what BOO suggested.
Svejk, often people pester you as to what you would like, so calm down. Boo has made a great suggestion but if you don't want to do that, a nice pen, aftershave, ticket to the theatre, gentleman's relish etc
Or a nice meal somewhere.
Nobody pestered me,psybbo, since I was 11.(Sob,sob) And even then it was more of the like it or lump it method of presentology.
Ask them for a voucher for a facial or massage session, something like that. It's always hugely welcome here!
I look through the Argos catalogue for ideas.....
...and yes, blokes can and do have those things!
Ask for a goat from Oxfam, or Chickens, or anything you would feel good about donating to someone less fortunate.
Aw Svejk, what would you like for Christmas?
I'd better not say,Psybbo. ;-)
Be brave and it might be yours:-)
He wants tilly for Christmas! ;-)
Tony, starts writing an email to Mrs O about sweaty !.
Oi, this is about DC's present, not yours ;-)
Is this a good time to remind you of my birfday on Christmas day ???
Minty, I'm surprised that your name isn't Carol or Noel !.
Aftershave/perfume is always a good present as it lasts ages and there is a huge variety to choose from.
or Holly

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