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GRO Indexes

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Paul1503 | 23:11 Wed 26th Sep 2007 | Family Life
1 Answers

I'm trying to find out the GRO index of my mother who was born in 1948 in Chandlers FordSouthampton. i need it to get a replacement birth certificate for her. If i find this out, it will be alot cheaper. (But i ain't no skin-flint). Can anyone suggest any FREE websites on how to obtain this.




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the GRO index will only give you the year, quarter and reference page or the entry.
If you need a certified copy of her full birth certificate you should send a cheque to the register office where the birth was originally registered which would be Southhanmpton I gue4ss
Address: The Register Office, 6a Bugle Street, Southampton,
Postcode: SO14 2LX
Telephone: (023) 8091 5327
Minicom: (023) 8063 3685
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (023) 8063 3431

Details of service:
send them an email and give them all the info you have and they will locate the entry and sort out a copy for you, i think they cost �7 still but they can tell you that, it is the cheapest fasted way to do it i think.

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