Child Tax Credits and working tax credits??? in The AnswerBank: Personal Finance
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Child Tax Credits and working tax credits???

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wilson83 | 19:24 Mon 08th Sep 2008 | Personal Finance
7 Answers
I am a bit bamboozled. I am trying to work out my finances for when I have my baby in January 09. I can't understand from the direct.gov website the following:

Are child tax credits and Working tax credits the same thing and worked out and paid as one sum, or can a person claim for one/both??

When I went to look to see if I would qualify on their website it only said "Tax credits" and took information regarding my salary, working hours and children and gave me an annual sum. So is that everything I would get for those factors??

Really hope this makes sense! I've confused everybody I've spoken too! :D

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Working tax credits - you have to work at least 16 hours per week to be eligible.
If you have children and don't earn much you can be eligible for Child Tax credits as well.
If you don't work, have children, and only have a small income (e.g. benefits), you could be eligible for Child Tax Credits on their own.
If you receive CTC you also qualify for an NHS exemption certificate.
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FAB..1st easy to understand answer I've had! So then finally....Do you know the cut off point for earnings to receive child tax credits?
Not off the top of my head. There is a calculator site. Bear with me for a few mins and I'll post you the link.
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I tried that website and it confused me :D

Thanks anyway. I think I probably need to go and speak to Cab or something.
Why don't you give them a ring with a general enquiry?
I had to help my niece with a claim and I found them quite helpful.
Good luck.
try entitledto.com

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Child Tax Credits and working tax credits???

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