Carly, you are knackered, and not surprisingly. Dont be proud, let the family and your partner help, they will be tickled pink at the chance and it will help the baby to bond with other members of the family.
You possibly have a touch of the baby blues. Do you meet up with other new mums.? Can you talk to your Health Visitor?
Believe me Carly, you are not the first to feel like this and IT DOESN'T MAKE YOU A BAD MUM. Sorry to shout, but I wanted to emphasise the point cause this maybe how you are feeling.
Babies don't come with a handbook, and if its your first its hugely scarey, wanting to do your best. I know when I had mine I was totally inexperienced
If you are having problems feeding baby, phone your Health Visitor. Do it now before you change your mind. Loads of us have had problems with newborns, they havent read the instructions either, Some babies aren't easy either.
Sweety, you aren't on your own. Let your family and partner help. Others on here with little ones will also add their advice and reassurance, and please keep in touch. Having a baby is the most wonderful thing in the world, but also the most terrifying