Technology2 mins ago
how do i dicipline my 16 month old when he throws a tantrum
What is the legal age for children to stay at home in Mississippi?
wats the point of learning algabra when u dont need it in the near future
Well my question is if i havent gotten my period for the last two months, can it be possibly im pregnant? Ive been getting some of the symptoms the tiredness, the tenderness of...
Well my question is if i havent gotten my period for the last two months, can it be possibly im pregnant? Ive been getting some of the symptoms the tiredness, the tenderness of...
how can I get my 2 1/2 year old to sleep alone?
my 2 year old son is so naughty hits his 6 month old sister at least once day.He is allways looking for badthings to do,i have tried giving him time out but when i let him back in he does it again.He...
<p align=justify><font color=#cc66cc>how do people hav babies? do they really give birth through their belly-button? thanx... luv ya!</font>
I have asked our headteacher if I can take my two children out of primary education for a family holiday, we are taking the bulk of the holiday in the Spring Bank holiday, but the flights were Monday...
Can anyone advise me on how to cope with step children?. Three of my children live with myself and my partner,as the others are away at college, and once ever three weeks he...
I took a pregnancy test while I was on my period and I wons wondering if the test was accurate because I feel the same as I did before I took the test?
I am looking to connect with other Grandparents in the Minnesota area who are raiseing there grandchildren.
can u catch clymidia from a swimming pool
My question is if I could be pregnant even if I had my period 2 weeks ago. Ok I am feeling nauceous and either I got pregnant 2 days ago and I am nauceous now (which I don't think could happen) or I...
I am moving to Canary wharf,London from Australia with my daughter and i would like to know what schools are available in this area, and where to start looking, as there is a lot of rubbish placed on...
I am moving to Canary wharf,London from Australia with my daughter and i would like to know what schools are available in this area, and hwere to start looking, as there is a lot of rubbish placed on...
Can I use nail polish remover while I am pregnant?
hi, Iam 24th week pregnant.I got cold from my husband,he is having flu problem.I am having minor cold,it just started.I want to cure it in natural ways.Want to avoid any type of...
we have a 16 year old daugther with extreme mood swings. one minute she is happy the next she is biting our heads off and friends and boyfriend. then she cries and is sorry and it will never happen...
i know im pregnant but im not sure how long i had a period 7 weeks ago but i seem to be quite big this is my second child is this normal