ChatterBank2 mins ago
trying to concieve since the death f our son no joy any advice desoperate ...
Can I take away parental rights from the farther as he has asked me to do so, he doesnt want the responsibilty any more his name is on the birth document how easy is this?
my 21/2 year old has just started wanting to go to the toilet immendiatley after she has just been (several times) - this usually occurs at bedtime and in the middle of th night - last night I left...
My baby will be one in the begining of october - i'm dying for him to try chocolate, Can he have it now?
i need help from perents whom have a child with autism,im a young mum with a 2 yr old autistic so any information any 1 can give me would be great thanks
My period has never been late! Its either early or on time. Now all of a sudden i get mood swings, heat sweats, Im tired more often, and I have a need for salads all the time. But I'm only 18!
does anyone out there have any upc codes for any type of gerber organic cereal
What is the most number of babies born to one woman in her lifetime.
refuses to eat proper meals
i would like to try for baby no 4 , but my mirena coil has come out about a month ago and i have just had my period it lasted 2 days but my concern is that my partner has had the snip over 3 years ago...
rtu e
My eldest two kids haven't seen their birth father for 13 years due to his mental health problems. He isnsee them as an official court order. But I met a man who I married a couple of years after...
My 3 year old grandson is being potty trained, he wears a nappy at night and also when he has his afternoon nap. When he is in bed he uses his nappy to "poo" and then takes it off...
My daughter is 17 days old she is bottlefed can i offer her cool boiled water in between feeds to soothe what seems to be a thirst, or is she too young?
Could you please tell me what age a child can be left unsupervised after school until a parent returns from work, our daughter is 13. Can she be left for 2 hours unsupervised
Keep thinking about Schlomo as we havent heard from her for months. Would like to know she is ok. Brenda x
Is it legal for my ex partner to move from the uk to germany and taking my 3yr old son against my will
how many boners does the average guy/girl wit **** get a day??
Is it normal for my 8 month old to pass out when he becomes upset ? He's been doing this off and on since he was a few months old.
It's important for children but not to children