hi, i used a medela swing. It worked out as perfect for me because my hands atr deformed i couldn't work the manual one. You can arrange the electric ones so that you can have both hands free.
I know you didnt ask for advice, but i suppose it depends on what the purpose of expressing is - if you are doing it because your baby is exclusively or manly drinking expressed milk, imho it's worth the money for the saving in time and energy. If it's for the occasional use like you want some frozen so you can get blatted then i'd stick with the manual. i had to express as my daughter was in the nicu for 7 weeks and was tube fed for a while. i couldnt hold her for any length of time in the correct position when she could suck, so she continued to be express fed. In my opinion it really is the worst of both worlds (for the mum at least) you have to spend time expressing an then time feeding, so your world is utterly consumed by it. And although you are bottle feeding, there is none of the benefits of the ease and convenience!